The chickens here on Dragonfly Farms are free roaming birds. We are no longer able to call them "Free Range" since they get more than 15min of sunlight a day. Our chickens are able to roam all over our property during the day and settle into their coop at night.
With all these chickens we get to enjoy nice fresh eggs. Here are some benefits of eggs from free roaming chickens:
-Less Cholesterol: According to the study there was 1/3 less cholesterol in the free-roaming eggs.
-Less Saturated Fat: Mother Earth News found 25% less saturated fat in the pastured chicken eggs.
-More Vitamin A and E: Vitamin A helps in all sorts of areas including vision, skin health, immune function, and so much more.
-Extra Omega-3s: We are constantly learning more about the Omega-3s
-They Just Taste Great: We believe pastured eggs just plain taste better, and look better!
We are now selling our extra eggs for $3.00 per dozen